
Talk To Me You Us

  I wrote this post on Saturday night and I publish it on Sunday morning, yaa nothing to do again. 'A' told me for watching movie in his pc after i finish my course, but he can't because his mom suddenly come to Solo to meet him. So i open my pc, start to browsing, reading online magazine, editing photo, eating and texting with him :$ ..hihi another 'something must to do' to spend Saturday night, right? Ohyaaa, 'A' is my friend in junior high school, yaa we ever close before we meet again now ...i don't know why, my friends think that we are in a realitionship, we're still friend and single (for now) ..I always says like that because what? Yup, because i don't know what will happen in the future ..avoid to say 'No'.
I wanna tell you about ...life. Start from.. my friends. Many from them changed. I confused to start this. I feel like they became a monster. Example, 1) They got problem with someone and never try to solve it with 'face-to-face' but post it on their personal social networking. Then, they be enemies. I always think like this 'it's better to solve your problem than publist it' ..is it right?? :)
2) My friend is in a realitionship with my " another friend's ex-love  " ( A+B = In a realitionship, next broke up . Then, A+C = In a realitionship ) ..do you get that??  ..after that, A posting on social networking like this " lalalla just put my ex ...i don't need it again ...hahahha my ex" . Whaaaat are you serious to post it? Please, be mature .. you are 16, not 10 again guys :)
3) Following the new habit so that people know who they are is. So pathetic ...
Eeeeem enough for this section, just wait for the next ... I'm sleepy :$$

Ohayo Gozaimasu :D

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