"Stars and Rabbit, an Indonesian folk music duo formed early 2011 in Yogyakarta. The group consisted of singer-songwriter Elda Suryani and musician Adi Widodo. Their single 'Worth It' drew them attention from a small variety of communities in Indonesia and the United Kingdom, as part of the indie pop/folk scene. Stars and Rabbit engages a do-it-yourself approach to writing and recording. Their music is a melding of pop and folk influences with raw simplicity of composition, arrangement, and performance." -SB's biography
Some lyrics:
Worth It :
Are you coming baby eyes
It takes two to do the ocean
Are you coming baby eyes
It takes two to do the sky
Making scene of fairy tale
was it worthy?
White love in the drawing sand
make it worth it
Are you coming baby eyes
It takes two to do the ocean
Are you coming baby eyes
It takes two to do the sky
I build the high fortress
You take polaroid
I watch the halo moon
You slow down the road
Rabbit Run :
Your story is my story
My story is my story
Can I not listen?
Rabbit's gone
Rabbit's run..
Give no interest
Or else it's unfair
Rabbit go look out on the street lamp
To get hypnotized by motion
Well, fine by me
Like It Here :
Don't change sit tight
Don't change you think I'm already tired
I don't mind you stay today
Beside,you did it once,did it all
I don't mind you brush my hair
you did it once,did it all
No shame I won't make a judgement
Don't stray I'm here your opposite direction
I would mind you stay in bed
Coz you did it all, all time
I would mind you act heavy
you did it all, all time
This is tiring
still, Can I be yours for a day
a day..
way I see it, yes we're odd to be
Way I see it, ooh I like it here..
Crying while play all songs of Stars and Rabbit :")
Btw, I just heard that kak Claradevi help Stars and Rabbit to make the video-clip(s). Really ...can't wait to have the cd. Love 'em :')